Monday, February 5, 2018


Welcome to the World Religions Study Club at Unitarian Universalist Church of Tucson!  We are a casual "book club" reading and discussing The World's Religions by Huston Smith.

Our goals are to understand the basic beliefs and customs of each religion, to understand the function of religion for those who practice it, and to appreciate each religion; not to judge “right or wrong.”  

The discussion will be guided each time by a volunteer from the group.  The discussion leaders: 
·       ARE people who have read the chapter/material –or at least most of it
·       ARE NOT experts on the religion they are leading or experts on every aspect of it.
·       ARE responsible for picking up the discussion box
·       ARE NOT responsible for room requests, photo copies, etc.  Communicate with Jamili about anything you need.

·       ARE going to keep the conversation moving; not allowing one person to dominate the discussion; not getting stuck on one question.  Can enforce a 2 minute time limit.

This is a discussion group (as opposed to a Chalice Circle) and so we operate under a few guidelines: 
·       Each speaker will have a 2 minute time limit
·       Everyone gets a chance to talk
·       Discussion leader should try to draw out quieter people
·       Questions before judgments –ask someone to clarify their position especially if you disagree with them
·       It is OK to say “I don’t know” –even as discussion leader.
·       It is OK to have questions, criticisms, or confusion about a faith system.
·       It is OK to table questions for a different session, more reflection, and/or more research
·       We agree to critique the religion and not the people.

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